Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dana: School Culture/Community

If you Action Research Proposal related to school culture and community, please post here.


  1. My project is going to examine the level of student involvement in extra-curricular activities and the correlation to student achievement on standardized tests and local grading scales.

  2. One of my past assignments pertaining to school and community relations had me interview two PTA presidents one past and one present. They both stated that they thought one of their main concerns was little participation from the teachers in the PTA. One of them specifically stated that if more teachers were involved and communicated to the parents more, then the parents would be able to help more when it came to their children. When researching this I found many references to parental involvement in the PTA and student achievement but very little on teacher involvement in the PTA and student achievement. This issue appears to be of importance in our school community since both a past and the present president of our PTA said it was one of the PTA’s concerns. An action research study would help explore this issue and help come up with some possible solutions to address it. I am curious as to how to get more teachers involved with the PTA on our campus and by doing so will this effect student achievement.

  3. PTA, parents, and teahers -- Wow! This subject is very interesting to see if from the side of the parents. What do teachers think?

    Good luck!

  4. My project deals with finding the best time to transition students from Spanish-dominant instruction to English-dominant instruction.

  5. My project looks at what actions as a campus can we take to improve parnt involvement.

  6. The purpose of my action research project is to provide high quality activities on the school campus for parent involvement and determine how quality involvement affects parents’ awareness of school curriculum, instruction, and daily routines. The main question I plan to address is if providing a number of significant involvement opportunities to parents will motivate them to become more involved in their children’s education?

    A subsequent implication of the study will be to determine how quality involvement affects student achievement.

  7. I am doing action researh on effective implementation of PLC's and hopefully working with my principal to successfully get them up and running this school year.

  8. My research project deals with improving parental involvement at the academic functions at our campus and things that we, the faculty/staff, can do to increase the number of parents in attendance.

  9. My action improvement project will be to start a parent/student information and activity center on my campus. We will begin in stages: First we will engage the students. Teachers will encourage use of this special night to work on homework. We call it Thursday Night Live. The center will be called the same. Students will be identified by the grading system, who did not get homework turned in the previous week. An Added benefit to finishing homework will be tutoring and afterwards there will be fun activities that are schedule (e. g. use of GYM , volleyball, video games), and hopefully much more. The Second stage will be rolled out after a parent postcard survey is evaluated and services like computer lab access, ESL classes for adults, immunizations, exercise classes and more will be offered with a later evening schedule to accommodate their work schedules.

  10. My action research plan:
    Goal: Should recess come before lunch at our elementary school? What effects will having recess come before lunch have on our 4th graders?

    Objective: The objective of this action research plan is to gather data of student discipline, student hygiene, student health, and overall student performance specifically during recess, lunch, and their afternoon courses of 4th graders last year and compare that same data to data collected after the first semester of this year’s 4th graders to measure the effects of having recess come before lunch.

    Outcome: The outcome will be compiled data supporting the decision as to whether or not having recess come before lunch will benefit our 4th graders in areas of student discipline, student hygiene, student health, and overall student performance by comparing last year’s data, in these above mentioned areas, with the data collected during the first semester of this school year.

  11. My action plan covers the proper temperature settings in classrooms and how they correlate to student achievement. I am in charge of school operations and I have noticed that teachers sometimes set the room temperatures to match their needs and not the students. I have noticed that some classes students may be covered from head to toe and others students are all sleeping because they are so warm.

  12. The main building at our school is around forty years old and the air conditioning is becoming out dated. One of my responsibilities in our district is the building operations and on September 11, 2009 we had a lighting strike hit our school building knocking several A/C units out. It is almost impossible to conduct school in Dallas, Texas without air conditioning. When the students arrived and the heat load was at its capacity by 10:00 am some classrooms were unbearable to be in. When the air conditioning was up and running again it was amazing to me how many teachers started complaining about being too hot or too cold. We were always adjusting the thermostats for the teachers and my concern was that we worried about those who were complaining and not the students. One particular English class was so cold that seventy five percent of the students were bringing blankets to school to use during this class and it was still ninety degrees outside. I asked myself, how much learning is going on with these students?

    During the 5301 Action Research class when we were ask to present an action plan the question I kept asking myself what is the correlation between optimal learning and classroom temperatures? This question led me to focus my research on the students and not teachers or staff. Setting a research lab in a classroom that only uses students I believe will give administrators a source of data that focuses on our ultimate goal of concentrating on the success the students. By using a science class as a research lab is important so we can not only collect data for administration but use the action research in a lesson for the students. The students will learn how to conduct a research project by actually being in the test. When the students enter the classroom we will begin collecting data on their reaction to the temperature setting. After a period of time the students will mark their data sheets by circling one of the five choices, cold, chilly, comfortable, warm or hot. An additional comment will be encouraged at the bottom of the data sheet. Each day the thermostat will be set at five different setting of 68, 72, 76, 80 and 82. The students will not be able to see the settings so they will have to go by how they feel at all settings. At the end of each day I will collect the data sheets and dissect the information. At the end of the week all the data will be broken down by age and gender and the best average temperature the students have chosen. A report will be written and presented to the principal and we as a district will have a solid base for where our thermostats need to be set at for optimal learning for our students.

    In the school business where success is measured by assessment scores it is important to gain any advantage of helping our students succeed. We know as educators all the teaching and learning methods that are used are for the benefit of our students but we also need to look at the intangibles that effects learning. The correct temperature of a classroom is an area that is important and sometimes overlooked. In conclusion, with this action research project I am wanting to know how the temperature settings in classrooms affect learning and gaining the attention of administrators for further projects that will help not only our students but through presenting this information for others to see will help schools throughout the country.

  13. My topic for action research is the excessive number of homework-related complaints, from parents, students and teachers.
    School administrators spend many hours every year dealing with those complaints, but the worst part is the deterioration of the relationships between parents/students and teachers in the long term.
    Administrators and the campus improvement team are supporting an action research project to have a better understanding of the causes of the problem and implement a solution.
    The complete details of my action research project can be viewed at

  14. What are the effects of family activites on morale, involvement and achievement?
    I am examining this with regard to teachers, students and parents. We have activities set up each year that are TAKS-related, and these occur as a last-minute effort to teach TAKS skills. At that time of the year, teachers are worn out and students are not interested. Parents need more than these few opportunities to be involved. My hope is that, even though more activities means more work and planning, parents and students will have more opportunities to be involved and teachers will see improved student morale and achievement throughout the year.

  15. My action plan examines effective practices for my campus to increase authentic parental involvement.

  16. My action research plan is below.

    Goal: My school will have seventy-five percent of the parents on the campus involved in campus activities.

    Objective: By offering opportunities to build parent involvement in school decision making, to understand academic standards, and increasing skills to support academics at home, my school will be an exemplary campus for 2010-2011.

    Target Groups: Administrators, Teachers, Parents, and Students

  17. Research Question: What are the best strategies, for a new principal, coming into an already established school, to keep and improve the school community?

  18. My research project is about how student achievement affects positive school climate and culture. In addition, I am looking to build morale through trust building and more social activities for the staff to unite.

  19. My research project is: increasing parental involvement and communication to improve student acheivement for the identified "at risk" students in my classroom.

    I plan on creating school/home compacts, having weekly communication with parents on students' progress, holding additional parent/teacher/student conferences, and creating TIPS homework to increase parental involvement.

  20. Our high school enjoys parent involvement when it concerns athletics, but we have failed to make them a part of our academic community. We hold open-house meetings, send out newsletters, and teachers are encouraged to communicate with parents often. It does not seem to be enough. Parents/families are not involved as participatory stakeholders as they should be. We have quite a bit of difficulty finding parents to be part of our Site-Based Decision-Making committee and that is troublesome. We are aware that communication can be improved and that parents should be included in important decisions regarding their children, but the ability to do this has eluded us. The belief is that with increased parent/family involvement in the academic setting student academic success will improve. Since many of our ninth grade students continue to have academic difficultiies when they enter high school they will be our test group for this action research project. This has led me to the action research question:
    What is the relationship between student success and the improvement of parent/family involvement in a high school setting?

  21. My action research project is: Can we increase parent involvement at our campus and how will increasing parent involvement affect our students' performance?

    The results need to be measurable. This project should answer these questions:
    Did it increase parent involvement as measured by the number of hours they interacted with the school and/or their child in school-related activities?
    Did PTA membership go up?
    Did number of parent volunteers go up?
    Did the number of hours of volunteerism go up?
    Did the number of dad volunteerism go up?
    If parent involvement did go up, how did it affect the students behaviorally and academically?
    Did student attendance improve?

    I have looked at 3 major projects that will provide the rationale for this study:
    1. Community in Schools
    2. Project Appleseed
    3. Three for Me

  22. The purpose of my research paper is to investigate effective strategies for increasing family involvement in secondary schools, particularly for youth at-risk.

  23. Improved School-Home Communication: Fish Camp

    Problem: A communication failure of basic school practices and available resources as determined by end of the year surveys taken by teachers and office staff.

    Q: What revisions can be made to FISH Camp, freshman orientation prior to day one; that can improve communication? Has the revised Fish Camp for incoming freshmen and their parents improved communication between school and home?

    Purpose: To determine if changes to freshman orientation improve school-home communication.

    Points of Action:
    1. Register Parents on district portal for real time reporting of grades, attendance, tardies, and behavior.
    2. Train parents on available resources primarily through navigation of district, campus, and teacher/class websites.
    3. Creative planning focused on reaching populations least likely to attend such meetings/training opportunities
    4. Review and Revise throughout the 10-11 school year.

  24. The purpose of my action research project is to determine a principal's most effective methods of communicating student success and achievements to the community in order to facilitate a higher sense of satisfaction among community members that the school is accomplishing goals, and to give the community a stronger connection to its school.

  25. My action research project is also on parental engagement but more focused on my student's parents and how to get them more involved in school. I'm going to have several classes to teach the parents how to do the work their students are doing in my classes. We will offer babysitting so the parents can come and hopefully participate.

  26. Our campus has been labeled academically unacceptable twice in the last four years for two completely different reasons. The prevailing mood within the faculty is pessimistic and one frequently hears comments that the "students are out of control" and that efforts from staff don't matter;only the Advanced Placement students will do well. In addition, four of our six administrators are new to the campus with three of them being completely new to administration. My action research project will examine efforts of the PBS(Positive Behavior Support)team to raise morale, improve student behavior in common areas, and determine the effects of new administrators to the campus on student success.

  27. Action Research: How can El Campo High School extracurricular sponsors and members communicate effectively considering the unavailability of school time set aside for such meetings?
    I have already started working with students to create Web 2.0 solutions to this problem. And getting them comfortable with the technology for something they love may help them when faced with using it in a subject that is difficult

  28. Frank's school thoughts

    Tuesday, August 3, 2010Action plan for school culture
    Increase school culture
    Increase school pride for students,staff and parents
    Increase parents feelings of comfort and cooperation
    Better staff and student relationships
    Better campus relations with parent
    Do parent, student and staff surveys on the culture of the campus at start of school, semester break and end of 5th six weeks
    Do campus improvement work such as paint or trash collection
    Do whole school assemblies to motivate students and parents
    Create a system for helping visitors with little wait time
    Liturature review
    Clean up supplies
    Survey sheets
    Staff training for welcoming and helping students and visitors
    campus staff
    8/16/2010- 5/1/2011
    School culture surveys
    Training on school culture for staff
    Posted by frank schuelke at 6:38 PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz 3 comments:
    Lisa Bruce said...
    I like your ideas of increasing school culture by doing some community service. So many times we get so "Taks minded" that we loose sight of relationships. I think that this will also build team spirit among the staff. You will always have those who want to complain but think of the values you will be instilling in students. They will take ownership and pride in what they have done. I hear often at church how people try to be a blessing to someone else and they end up getting blessed. I like your idea. I might suggest that on your survey that you leave room for people to write their own ideas. I am sure you can't get to all projects but maybe you could create a committee that oversees different ones. Good luck!

    August 4, 2010 6:40 AM
    Devon Sylvester-Bradley said...
    I apologize for commenting so late. I missed that part of the assignment.
    Your plan sounds great! It sounds so simple, in an obvious sort of way. Having a clean campus is something that we all want but everyone attributes the responsibility to the custodial staff. I think the students' morale will be boosted because they will have pride in a campus that they helped to keep clean.

    August 6, 2010 10:53 AM
    Walker said...
    Please keep me posted on the community activities you conduct and the responses. I am in need of several ideas! Your plan looks good!

    August 6, 2010 6:37 PM

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  30. My action research topic is “How a mentoring program, through the implementation of the ROPES strategies, which are based on mutual respect, choice and resiliency theory, assist Math teachers to meet the students’ social basic needs and form positive student-teacher relationships to keep them actively engaged and successful in the classroom?”.

  31. During the course of my action research project, I will examine the link between recess time and classroom behavior/performance.

  32. On my research project I want to find out whether teaching science and social studies in English to Spanish students will help them transition into English sooner.

  33. Throughout my research, I will examine the link between the morale of the faculty and students to the overall campus performance.
    my blog address is:

  34. My action research project is over Parent Involvement.

    Research Question: How will the implementation of a Parent Volunteer Program paired with monthly parent activities improve parental perception, teacher morale, academic instruction, and overall student performance in the elementary?

    You can visit my blog at

  35. Goal: In what ways can our school develop a caring and compassionate school culture? [revised]
    Sub-question – How does this improve student behavior?
    Target behavior -- Bullying
    I am looking to decrease the number of referrals, suspensions, and fights in our school. My quesionnaires will be pre and post Rachel's Challenge. I will use this as a tool for gathering quantitative data. I would like to use PinkMonkey to assess the students' perceptions of school culture. I will then use data from PEIMS reportable offenses (namely the number of referrals, number of suspensions, and number of fights). I hope to have changes to evaluate after Rachel's Challenge.

    Please visit my blog:

  36. My project is going to investigate the causes of academic dishonesty and its prevalence. My goal is reducing the amount of academic dishonesty taking place in ninth grade math classes.

  37. My action research comes from problems with student social skills. Because of this, we see many discipline issues that could be kept from happening with the correct skills given to students from their parents. We believe the lack of social skills, and therefore, student discipline issues, may stem from home. We are beginning a program called Love and Logic for parents, to help them with parenting. The program will run for 6 weeks, one night a week for parents. The wondering is, “How will Love and Logic make a positive impact on student behavior and performance?”

    I hope throught my action research project, my campus will see imporved culture.

  38. My mentor just approved my topic of scheduling New Arrival students into an inclusion setting verses a homogeneous setting. I plan to compare 2010 TELPAS scores with 2011; report card grades; interview teachers , current students, and parents as well as students who were in the program last year and their parents. In addition, I will, of course, peruse academic journals or other information available from other districts in my research.
    ~Janie West ET 8031 EDLD 5301

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  40. Goal: Building School Culture
    Implementing a weekly school-wide gathering, which includes a character-building program, activities to build school culture, and the recognition of academic performance and superior behavior to prove this implementation to be a great motivation method for enriching our school/community culture, as well as our students’ learning performance.
    EA EDLD 5301
